Potential Partners

Sporting Bodies

Often these groups are the life-blood of the community: tennis, golf, football, soccer, netball, dancing, badminton, volleyball etc. They provide sporting activities for the whole community for both genders and across all age groups; the young and the not-so-young, and all those in-between.

What Do They Do?

• Community providers of a public service
• Social and emotional wellbeing for some
• Provide recreational pursuits

Organisational Structure & Culture

Sporting bodies are usually run entirely by volunteers and are accountable to the players and the general community. Each club would have its own specific culture.

Why Might They be Involved in a Festival for Healthy Living Project?

Sporting bodies are an integral part of the many communities in which the FHL works across Victoria. Many of the FHL students and families would be involved in one or more of them. To broaden the scope of FHL it is necessary to reach out to the community and partner in activities that are common to both.

Which Positions/Programs within the Organisation Might be Involved?

Generally each club has it’s “go to” person and the club president would also be an advantage.

Some Pointers for an Effective Relationship

• Find the “go to” person.
• Learn the culture and the language.
• Don’t plan anything on training nights unless you are happy to go to training.

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